You are invited to join the
United Way of Alexander County
"365 Drive for Small Businesses"
As a SMALL BUSINESS OWNER, you are a LEADER in our community. You know that a strong, healthy community determines the status of our local economy, as well as the status of our families and individuals. It affects our lifestyles, our welfare, and our futures. It impacts the ability of YOUR CUSTOMERS to purchase YOUR PRODUCTS & SERVICES!
Kicking off the United Way's "365 Drive for Small Business" in "Heisman Style"! Attorney Joel Harbinson strikes the "Heisman pose" to launch the United Way of Alexander County's new "365 Drive," a program directed at engaging small businesses to support the local UWAC's campaign. Attorney Caryn Brzykcy and Former United Way of Alexander County President Dianne Little are shown posting the "365 Drive" sticker on the window of the Harbinson and Brzykcy Law Office in Taylorsville. The law firm is the first to sign up for the United Way's "365 Drive for Small Business Circle".

Attorney Joel Harbinson
Harbinson & Brzykcy, Attorneys at Law

Join our Small Business Circle Members!
Read the full details below.

Attorney Caryn Brzykcy (left)
Dr. Dianne Little (right)

Glenn Deal
Financial Consultant

Lee and Jane Sharpe
The Taylorsville Times

Shelly Sebastian
Apkee Properties

Funeral Service

Counseling and Support

Plumbing, Inc.

Mount Carmel
Baptist Church

eXp Realty
Tabitha Goforth, Real Estate Broker

Funeral Home

Weichert Realtors
Jennifer Martin, Real Estate Broker